Hi to all my classmates I will be discussing the positives and the benefits you get as a congressperson. Therefore we need to understand what the responsibilities of a congressperson are, such as according to a website called “house.gov” their main roles are to introduce bills, offer amendments and finally serve committees. This leads me to present the benefits a congressperson can get such as an average can earn about $1 million in the house and $3 million in the Senate under an annual allowance. Another benefit a congressperson gets is lifetime health insurance, a life-long pension, free reserved parking in major airlines, and finally, receive tax player-funded gyms at the capital. In addition according to an article called “The Perk Of Being A Member Of Congress” by Shane Savitsky states “Members get annual allowances (averaging $1.27 million in the House and $3.3 million in the Senate) to staff and manage their offices almost entirely as they see fit, as well as for travel and other expenses.” In addition, this sentence “Averaging $1.27 million in the House and $3.3 million in the Senate” is significant because it indicates how an average congressman can get up to millions of dollars in an annual allowance. Another example from an article called “The Perk Of Being A Member Of Congress” by Shane Savitsky states “Upon the death of a member of Congress in office, their family will receive a payout equal to a year’s salary ($174,000), per Congressional Institute. The one-time death gratuity for families of military personnel killed in action is $100,000.” Therefore this sentence “Upon the death of a member of Congress in office, their family will receive a payout equal to a year’s salary ($174,000)”, is significant because it shows if a congressperson died their families would be compensated on a years salary. To summarize these examples show how many benefits congressperson can receive.
In InConclusion Congressmen are granted many benefits and policies that benefit their families that also benefit their families.
Assigned Congressperson’s Name: Hakeem S. Jeffries
Party: Democratic
House or Senate: House
State/District (please include a map of your district): New York, District 8 113th-117th(2013-present day)
Committee Membership(s): A member of the House Judiciary Committee and Budget Committee. He’s also part of the Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Subcommittees.
Leadership Position: He serves as the Chairman of the Democratic Caucus
Years in Congress so far: 9 years
Up for reelection: November 8th,2022
Interests of your district:
-Lower costs such as child care costs, health care costs, and educations cost
-Safer communities by fighting to get illegal guns off our streets
Three Bills You are Proposing (with summary in your own words):
1. Raise The Wage Act Of 2021
-The first Bill I would like to purpose is called the Raise the Wage Act of 2021. I believe this bill is necessary because its a bill that provides an increase in Federal minimum wage, and other purposes. To specify if this bill is passed it will Increase minimum wages, BASE MINIMUM WAGE FOR TIPPED EMPLOYEES, HIRED EMPLOYEES WHO ARE LESS THAN 20 YEARS OLD, and finally PROMOTING ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES. In Addition, I will be displaying the first example from a website called “Bill Track 50” in section 2 of “MINIMUM WAGE INCREASES” which states “DETERMINATION BASED ON INCREASE IN THE MEDIAN HOURLY WAGE OF ALL EMPLOYEES.” This sentence “INCREASE IN THE MEDIAN HOURLY WAGE OF ALL EMPLOYEES,” is significant because it explains if this bill is passed down it will have a major positive impact on the economy such as increasing the hourly wages for all employees. Another example cited from “Bill track 50” states “Increased from such amount by the annual percentage increase, if any, in the median hourly wage of all employees as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.” This quote is significant because it shows how many benefits this bill purpose such as increasing the annual percentage in the hourly wage. In addition, this bill has so many positive outcomes for the economy and that’s why I believe it should be passed down.
2. Assault Weapons Ban of 2022
–The second bill I would like to purpose is the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022. Overall the Bill is an act to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited. In addition, I believe this bill is needed because it will make our community much safer and decrease the death rate of dying victims due to illegal firearms. Therefore This bill will set restrictions on assault weapons, large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, and lastly Background checks for transfers of Grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapons. In addition, I will be showcasing examples to support my bill from a website called “Bill track 50” it states “It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed under this chapter to transfer a grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon to any other person who is not licensed under this chapter.” In addition, the sentence “Any person who is not licensed under this chapter to transfer a grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon,” is important because it explains how this bill will enforce a law that if any person who is not licensed to a grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon which will make the community safer. According to a website called “Bill track 50” states “It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.” This sentence “Shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess,” is significant because it explains how if this bill was passed it prevent guns from being acquired illegally. To summarize if this bill is passed it will make communities much safer and will decrease illegal weapons being purchased in New York.
3. The Equality Act
The third Bill I would like to purpose is the Equality Act. Overall the bill is an act To prohibit discrimination based on sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes. In addition, I believe this bill is necessary because this bill will provide minority issues Consumer credit Due process, equal protection Elementary, secondary education Employment discrimination and employee rights Government employee pay, benefits, and finally personnel management Higher education. According to a website called “Bill tracker’’ it states, “For example, discrimination against a married same-sex couple could be based on the sex stereotype that marriage should only be between heterosexual couples, the sexual orientation of the two individuals in the couple, or both.” This sentence “For example, discrimination against a married same-sex couple could be based on the sex stereotype”, is significant because it displays how present-day same-sex couples still get discriminated which leads to my point on why the Bill Equality Act is necessary. Another example displayed on the website “Bill tracker” states “Women also have faced discrimination in many establishments such as stores and restaurants, and places or establishments that provide other goods or services, such as entertainment or transportation, including sexual harassment, differential pricing for substantially similar products and services, and denial of services because they are pregnant or breastfeeding.” In addition, this example is significant because it explains how women face discrimination and are treated differently in their everyday life. In addition, this Act will prohibit discrimination which is why it’s necessary to pass.
Hello to my classmates, I will be talking about the legislative branch and why I believe the legislative has a dramatic impact on the United States positively. But first, we need to understand the basic understanding of what legislation is and what its primary purpose is. In addition According to the website, “NCSL” is made up of two groups called the senate and House of representatives which are considered congress. Overall the primary purpose of the Legislative Branch is to create laws, declare war finally control tax policies. Therefore I believe that the legislative branch is very important because it regulates most of our society’s future development which in turn protects our citizen’s safety and maintains order. The first example from the USA gov website states “The legislative branch drafts proposed laws, confirms or rejects presidential nominations for heads of federal agencies, federal judges, and the Supreme Court, and has the authority to declare war.” The sentence “Confirms or rejects presidential nominations for heads of federal agencies, federal judges, and the Supreme Court, and has the authority to declare war”, is very significant because it shows how much power and importance the Legislative branch has. Another example from the USA gov website states “American citizens have the right to vote for Senators and Representatives through free, confidential ballots.” The sentence “American citizens have the right to vote for Senators” is important because it shows how the Legislative branch gives citizens many opportunities such as having the right of voting on senators. In addition, this evidence presents how important The Legislative Branch is and how it positively benefits the united states.
In conclusion, The constitution of the United States splits the federal government into three branches which are called Legislative, Executive, and finally Judicial because it prevents from one branch having too much power. In addition, I believe that the Legislative Branch is the most important and beneficial to the United States.
Hello to my classmates I will be discussing present-day civil rights issues, such as racial discrimination. Another example of the present-day civil right issue is discrimination based on their nationality. Inaddition people face and experience some sort of discrimination every day in America because of their skin color or their nationality. Therefore researchers Developed by the “Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and National Public Radio (NPR)”, interviewed about 3,000 people who have experienced some sort of discrimination in their everyday lives. The first example from the article “Discrimination Of America”, by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and National Public Radio (NPR) states “Nearly half (45%) of African Americans experienced racial discrimination when trying to rent an apartment or buy a home.” Overall The sentence, “Nearly half (45%) of African Americans experienced racial discrimination” is very significant because it explains how African Americans experienced racial discrimination. In addition, Another example from the article “Discrimination Of America” by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and National Public Radio state, “18% of Asian Americans say they have experienced discrimination when interacting with police.” The phrase “18% of Asian Americans say they have experienced discrimination” is very significant because it explains how a certain amount of Asian Americans have experienced discrimination when interacting with the police force. To summarize this survey is living-proof data that shows a wide amount of people experiencing discrimination in their everyday lives.
In conclusion, I believe Discrimination affects people every day even, When interacting with the police, applying for jobs, or when comes to being paid equally or considered for promotion because of their race.
Hello classmates I will be talking about the ongoing civil conflict liberties and my perspective on these situations. In Addition, one ongoing civil liberty conflict is privacy and technology. What I mean by that is technology is constantly comprising our privacy as a result the government can track us, see online searches, and finally track our purchases. According to the article “Privacy and Technology” published by the ACLU, it states “Technological innovation has outpaced our privacy protections.” This sentence “outpaced our privacy protections,” is significant here because it explains how technology exposes our privacy to the government. Another example from the same article states “ This digital footprint is constantly growing, containing more and more data about the most intimate aspects of our lives.” This sentence “Containing more and more data about the most intimate aspects of our lives,” is significant because it explains how our data gets exposed even more by technology. To summarize, I believe that technology/privacy violates our civil liberty because technology comprises our privacy which provides our data to the government.
In conclusion, when the government violates our privacy when using technology I believe it violates our 4th amendment too.
Have you ever started to Question federalism? Hello to all my classmatesI will be discussing a meme I created that symbolizes the government concept of Federalism and why I believe Federalism has a lot of negative effects on Democracy. To break it down we need to understand what is Federalism According to an article on the Cornell Law School website, Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. Generally, the central government shares some power with smaller regional governments like states. In addition, I believe Federalism has many bad aspects such as capital punishment for which the death penalty can be avoided by a criminal who committed murder/murders depending on its jurisdiction. Another reason why I think federalism has a bad aspect is that some states get taxed much higher than others because of federalism.
One of the reasons why I believe Federalism has bad aspects is because of capital punishment. In addition, what I mean by that is the death penalty can be avoided depending on the state’s jurisdiction. For example, according to the Death penalty information center, it states “The use of the federal death penalty in jurisdictions that have themselves opted not to have capital punishment—such as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and many states.” This sentence “Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and many states”, is significant because it explains how in those specific states criminals can avoid the death penalty even if the person committed murder. Another example from the Death penalty center article states “Many states—have raised particular concerns about federal overreach into state matters.” This sentence “Concerns about federal overreach” is very important because it explains how federalism can interrupt state matters such as capital punishment. To summarize federalism can overrule the death penalty in some states which is the reason why it’s a bad aspect of federalism.
Leads to another reason why I believe federalism has bad aspects is because of taxes. According to NCSL calculations by the Bureau of the Census state “Caused by the 67% increase in taxes in the united states collected by the federal government.” The reason why I chose this quote is that it explains how taxes increased in some states because of Federalism In Addition the federal government has the power to tax us high. Another example as claimed by the Bureau of the Census state, states “The federal government occupies the majority of the income tax base, receiving 87 percent of all income tax revenue.” In addition, This “sentence receiving 87 percent of all” is significant because it shows a huge increase in taxes because of federalism. To summarize because of federalism theirs an increase in taxes in certain states.
In conclusion, This meme I created represents why we should question federalism because of the many bad aspects it has on our democracy. In addition, the example of bad aspects of federalism is capital punishment and high taxes. Another bad aspect of federalism examples I haven’t mentioned is encouraging ridiculous pass ridiculous laws such as “It is illegal in Arizona for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub” according to an article by Natalie Regoli. In addition, there are some benefits to federalism, but in my opinion, the negative outweighs the positive which was why I question federalism.
Self-grade evaluation:
I believe the work I’ve done on the meme assignment deserves 15 points. In addition, the reason why I believe this assignment deserves 15 points is that Essay explains the American government concept clearly, using at least one properly cited quote or paraphrase from assigned course readings. Finally, there is no grammar errors, its well written and has the right amount length of 4 paragraphs.
Hello to all my classmateshere I discuss the definition of Federalism and why I believe Federalism has a lot of negative effects on Democracy. According to an article by the Cornell Law School website, Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. Generally, the central government shares some power with smaller regional governments like states. In addition, I believe Federalism has many bad aspects such as capital punishment for which the death penalty can be avoided by a criminal who committed murder/murders depending on its jurisdiction. For example, according to the Death penalty information center, it states “The use of the federal death penalty in jurisdictions that have themselves opted not to have capital punishment—such as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and many states.” Therefore the reason why I choose this quote is that it explains how depending on the state’s jurisdiction, criminals can avoid the death penalty even if they’re found guilty of murder.
Another example of a bad aspect of Federalism is it causes the federal government to tax other states much higher. According to NCSL calculations by the Bureau of the Census state “Caused by the 67% increase in taxes in the united states collected by the federal government.” The reason why I chose this quote is that it explains how taxes increased in some states because of Federalism In Addition the federal government has the power to tax us high.To summarize I believe that Federalism can have some advantages but In my opinion, the negative effects of federalism outweigh the positives.
I believe that the United States Of America is the best democratic country on the planet because of the constitution. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a constitution is a “body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.” In addition in America, the constitution has prevented the government from causing arbitrary rule. Also, the constitution protects the citizen’s rights and freedom. Another example is the constitution has three main parts The national Government which was mentioned already consists of a legislative, an executive, and finally judicial branch. To add on these three parts are always checked and balance each other out in power.
In conclusion, Another reason why I believe that the United States Of America is the best democratic country on the planet is because of the Amendments to the constitution which was The Bill of Rights. In addition, the first 10 Amendments were ratified on December 15, 1791, according to the constitution. An example from the constitution the first amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” another example the second amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” In addition, these amendments were implemented to protect the citizen’s rights such as called the Bill Of Rights. To summarize the united states constitution protected the citizen’s rights and liberty addition its the reason why I believe the United States Of America is the best democratic country on the planet.
Hi, My name is Adam Altam, My potential plans to succeed in KCC after that are to join the police academy in NYC and join the NYPD police boot camp. My favorite sports are football, soccer, and volleyball, but I mostly play soccer. My plans for this semester are to pass all my classes and get even closer to achieving my dream job which is also my goal. The first assignment I plan to do is to write 1 entry on my blog weekly which is worth 20 points. The second assignment is actively participating during class and also social annotation in our textbook which is worth 10 points. The fourth and fifth assignments are to Rewrite a textbook chapter and Book review which is worth 35 points combined. The next two assignments I plan to do are the Open book midterm and Final exams which are both worth 30 points combined. Finally, the last assignment is Translate a Week of Slides which is worth 7 points. Therefore In total, these assignments are worth 102 points which exceeds and passes my 100-point goal. To summarize I will do all of these assignments before the due date and stay determined by doing each of the assignment weekly until the due date.
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